I'm Lynelle Lillian — Marketing strategist and Podcast Manager for coaches, course creators and service providers. I'm here to help you impact more lives and reach more of the people who are looking for your services but just haven't found you yet!

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How Often Should You Release a New Episode on Your Podcast 

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You’ve decided you’re ready to start your podcast, and maybe you’ve even recorded your first episode — but what now? How often should you release a new episode on your podcast? How many times per week, month, or year do you need to record and publish a new episode?

The short answer is weekly. You should publish a new episode on your podcast every week on the same day and, preferably, at the same time. Now, let’s talk about WHY.

Why You Should Publish a New Episode on Your Podcast Each Week

You’re going to hear a lot of podcast managers share that it’s less about publishing new episodes often and more about the quality of the episode and keeping consistent with it — while I’ll agree that quality is important (both your content and your audio), publishing too infrequently won’t allow you to get the best results from your new podcast.

82.4% of podcast listeners spend more than 7 hours a week listening to podcasts — if the listeners are there, you should be too. New weekly episodes keep your listeners active and allow them to engage with your show.

How to Come Up With New, Weekly Content for Your Podcast

You’re committed to publishing new episodes each week on your podcast, but now you’re struggling to come up with more episode ideas — and you’re not alone. Coming up with episode ideas can be difficult often because you’re not sure what your audience wants to hear or you’re afraid you’ve already shared everything important (which isn’t true, I promise).

But before you start coming up with new content ideas for your podcast, it’s important to note that you should already have an end goal in mind before you start planning.

For example, if your main goal is to drive signups to your lead magnet, sell a low-ticket offer, or support your current launch, your topics should involve giving your listeners the information they need to become problem-aware and share solutions to position yourself as the expert (and bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be).

When in doubt, work through the most common episode topics and ideas. Brainstorm and write down everything you come up with — don’t stress it if you think you’ve already done a similar episode or you’re worried you won’t have enough to say.

Once you have a few ideas, take it further and bullet point some things you would cover in the episode. If you have a few bullet points, it’s a good sign that you have a good episode idea. If you have only 1 or 2 bullet points, think about why that is. Is it because the idea is a part of a larger concept? Have you talked about that larger concept on the show?

This will help you start coming up with new episode ideas each week! Once you have one, more will come (and if you’re still having trouble coming up with ideas, reach out, and let’s chat about your goals and plan for your podcast).

How Often Should You Release a New Episode on Your Podcast (if You Can’t Publish Weekly)?

If you can’t publish a new episode weekly, aim for bi-weekly. If you can’t publish a podcast episode bi-weekly, publish monthly — but, only if you HAVE to. If you’re struggling to publish your podcast episodes on time, try batching them before your publish date.

You can batch as many episodes as you want and schedule them for publishing on your designated day of the week. For example, if you know that you have a free day on a Monday two weeks from now, plan to spend an hour or two recording a few episodes.

It’s easier to edit on the go than record on the go, so once you have them recorded it’s that much easier to get them published!

Alternatively, you can outsource your podcast management — podcast managers can help with planning, editing, and publishing your podcast episodes, allowing you to focus on what matters most: getting behind the mic and sharing the valuable knowledge your audience is waiting for!If you’re interested in outsourcing your podcast management, fill out this quick form here, and let’s chat!

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I'm Lynelle Lillian — Marketing strategist and Podcast Manager for coaches, course creators and service providers. I'm here to help you impact more lives and reach more of the people who are looking for your services but just haven't found you yet!

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