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How to Start a Podcast with No Audience

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How to Start a Podcast with No Audience Feature Image, woman wearing a white cardigan over a black tee recording her podcast episode.

One of the first questions I get as a podcast manager when it comes to starting a podcast is, “Do I have a big enough audience?” And I get it — it’s really intimidating to start something new, even more so when you don’t have a big audience. But I want to let you in on a secret — it’s less about how big your audience is and more about the impact you make on the audience you have.

Starting a podcast with no audience, whether that’s a nonexistent email list or follower count, can still deliver valuable information that helps your audience achieve their goals and, yes, convert to clients.

If you only have 10 listeners for your first episode and only one converts, that would be amazing, right?

I look at having a smaller audience as a huge positive. Think about it this way: less eyes and ears in the beginning when you are just getting started means that you can build your confidence, continue to improve, and even fail fast without too many people around to see the humble beginning of what will soon be a podcast you are truly proud to share with everyone! 

Now that you know it’s possible, let’s talk about how to start a podcast with no audience:

Can You Start a Podcast with No Audience?

If you’re still not sure if you can start a podcast with no audience, I’m here to tell you that, yes, you absolutely can. 

The best part of launching a podcast is there are no audience requirements. Whether you have only a few subscribers or thousands, you can still start your podcast and reach an audience of listeners — an audience full of the right people searching for your content topics.

As you continue to publish podcast episodes that share your passion and unique perspective on the topics you teach, your audience (and listeners) will grow.

In fact, if you focus on podcast SEO, you can grow your audience just through your podcasting platform and on Google — 73% of US consumers actually find podcasts through internet searches.

5 Tips for Starting a Podcast with No Audience That Attracts New Listeners 

Ready to start a podcast with no audience that attracts new listeners and allows you to build a community of people excited to learn from YOU and buy what you have to offer? Here are some of my top tips before you dive straight in! I promise they’ll help you now — and later.

#1. Don’t Skip Podcast Planning and Prep

Since you don’t have a huge audience to lean on, it’s even more important to spend some time planning your podcast and preparing for your launch. Take time designing your podcast cover art, planning your intro and trailer, and brainstorming your first few episodes. 

It’s also important to determine the goal of your podcast (and potentially the goal of each episode). Determine if the episode is to nurture, educate, or sell to your listeners and what your CTA (call to action) will be. 

Identifying your goals and the purpose of your podcast (and episodes) will help you find the perfect keywords to help your podcast show up in search and improve your podcast SEO.

#2. Get to Know Your (Future) Listeners

Do your market research! While market research is best done on your pre-existing audience, you can do a giveaway to encourage participants to answer survey questions, or you can research stats for your target audience, industry, and niche. 

#3. Collaborate!

Marketing on social media isn’t the only way to attract new listeners! Look at popular podcast shows in your industry or those that speak to your target audience. Reach out and ask if you can be a guest on their podcast or website or collaborate on social media. 

Collaboration is one of the most overlooked marketing tools — I have personally listened to a podcast with a guest speaker and purchased a program. It’s so effective because the podcast host has already established trust with their listeners.

Because of this trust, you’re able to share your value and what you have to offer. You can gain new followers and even email subscribers — all thanks to the established trust built by the host’s introduction.

Not only can you attract new podcast listeners, but you’ll also drive traffic to your lead magnets and, potentially, your offers.

#4. Record High-Quality Episodes

This applies to both your audio quality and your content quality! 51.1% of podcast fans prefer podcasts with professional audio quality, while the remaining 48.9% say they can overlook poor audio quality if the content quality is good — aim to do both!

I definitely fall into the 51% here and think audio quality is much more important than people think. When someone is dedicating their time to learning something new and giving you their sole attention, they deserve to hear you clearly.

A good mic, a few minutes of editing, and a good bit of planning can make you stand out — and have people choosing your podcast as one of their favorites to listen to weekly. 

#5. Stay Consistent (and Don’t Give Up)

Growing your podcast takes time. When you take time to be consistent and produce weekly, high-quality episodes (that are optimized for SEO) will be your biggest asset months down the 

Your first episode (and potentially your first few) may only have a few listeners and downloads. I know that seeing low numbers can make you feel like giving up — don’t! Stay consistent and keep at it; growth is just around the corner!

As you continue to publish amazing content and your listeners keep coming back for more — and recommending you to their own community — your show will grow!

Should You Start a Podcast With No Audience?

Yes, you should, but ONLY if you’re willing to spend the time making it super amazing (which I’m sure you are). Your audience is searching for the value you have and the value you have to offer, and they are waiting to learn from your unique perspective.

Having a small audience doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. If a podcast is on your vision board for 2024, fill out this short form to determine your next steps in getting your podcast launched. -> Get in touch.

Are you preparing to launch your podcast? Do you need help brainstorming your content? I’d love to hear your goals and ideas in the comments below!

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I'm Lynelle Lillian — Marketing strategist and Podcast Manager for coaches, course creators and service providers. I'm here to help you impact more lives and reach more of the people who are looking for your services but just haven't found you yet!

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